Item - 109
Superlot of DuraMax oil filters, air filters. Includes the following oil filters: Seven DO989, fourteen DO2129 X5274, seven DO2840, fifteen DO990, seven DO4615, twelve DO2051, sixteen DO3244, six DO967, ten DO979, eight DO59, eight DO972, twelve DO400, four DO820, twelve DO253, six DO968, two NPN L240112, three NPN L140062, plus approx. 80+ Duramax oil filters . Includes the following Duramax air filters: two DC1914P, two DC1764, three DA4017, four DA3138, two DA3595, two DA3992, two DA3996, two DC1816P, three DA4031, three DA4055, three DA5240, DA6280, DA6900, two DA5210. Plus 5gals 15W-40 engine oil, nine Brake Fluids, seven Power Steering Fluids, nine NAPA premium performance ATF